Just how many books are there? How about 129,864,880!

Yesterday, Google posted on the official Inside Google Books blog that, by their calculation, there are approximately that many books out there. From our perspective, wow, that’s a lot of work! Capturing books at the highest quality possible, as well as scanning microfilm and similar items such as manuscripts, ledgers, scrapbooks, et al, ad naseum, is exactly what we do. In between the larger projects going in and out of Creekside Digital, we work on a lot of smaller orders. For example, in the few days alone, we’ve scanned an oversized scrapbook of letters to the founder of a national banking organization, the first in a series of hopefully many more romance novels, and a small collection of works from an historical foundation in Texas. Our i2S CopiBook HD 600 does a superb job with just about anything we can throw at it. These works are being digitized for conversion into ebook format, or being republished in searchable, high-quality digital format, complete with full-color pictures where applicable. So if you’ve been thinking about converting your books to digital, give us a call . . . we’ll help you move your part of the 130 million from paper to pixels.

One other topic of discussion, especially with school right around the corner: text books. Does Creekside Digital scan text books? Absolutely. However, we are *not* in the business of facilitating copyright infringement, nor do we wish to engage textbook publishers in legal battles, so we require that all textbook orders are accompanied by a signed affadavit stating that either a) you own the rights to the books you’re having scanned, or b) you are having the book scanned for your own personal use and study, you agree not to distribute electronic versions of the digitized book to others, even for free, and furthermore, you agree to pay for our legal defense should we be sued. See Page 2 of our Microfilm Small Order Form for a general idea of what to expect. Having said that, yes, searchable digital versions of textbooks are superior to their heavy, physical counterparts in just about every way, so please contact us for information!